Minggu, 02 Desember 2012

Hidupmu Bukan Hanya Untuk Masalalu

Posted by Avinda deviana devah at Minggu, Desember 02, 2012 0 comments

Gadis itu berdiri menghadap pohon besar yang tumbuh kokoh dihadapannya dengan tatapan nanar sambil memeluk sebuah kotak tua berwarna coklat. Memory masa lalu berputar jelas di otaknya bak film yang sedang di putar. Masa lalunya dengan sahabat masa kecilnya itu tak akan pernah pupus dari otaknya, apalagi jika ia mengunjungi tempat ini. Tempat favoritnya semasa kecil dengan sahabatnya itu. Pohon besar –satu-satunya- yang berdiri kokoh di pinggir taman itu merupakan tempat special bagi mereka. Bermain, bercanda, menangis, bahkan hanya sekedar melamun pun mereka lakukan bersama dipohon ini.

Tahun ke 7

“Deby , tebak aku punya komik baru. Ayahku membelikanku ini kemarin.” Ucap seorang anak laki-laki sambil mengacungkan sebuah komik Anime kepada gadis kecil dihadapannya.
“Oh ya? Apa itu? Jangan bilang itu komik Naruto lagi?” gadis kecil itu menanggapinya. Anak laki-laki itu hanya memamerkan gigi putihnya yang berbehel sambil menggaruk tengkuknya yang tidak gatal. Gadis kecil itu hanya memutar bola matanya, kemudian berkata.
“Astaga Aldo… koleksi komik naruto mu itu sudah satu lemari penuh, masih saja kau membeli komik bergenre action itu? Huh menyebalkan.”
“Hey nona manis, kau sendiri bagaimana, huh? Boneka Barbie mu itu sudah 1 gudang tapi tetap saja kau membelinya.” Cibir anak laki-laki itu.
“Oh ya? Benar kah? Hmm.. kalau begitu kita sama, hahaha…”
Mereka berdua tertawa bersama menertawai kekonyolan masing-masing….

Analytical Exposition

Posted by Avinda deviana devah at Minggu, Desember 02, 2012 0 comments

War is a physical and non-physical action between two or more groups to conduct a contested dominance in the region. Interpret ancient war as an armed conflict, in the modern era, the war is more directed to technological and industrial superiority, it is reflected in the doctrine of armed forces as "Whoever mastered the height of the control of the world ', suggesting that the possession of the heights to be achieved by technology. But the word war is no longer acting as a verb, but it has shifted the adjective, which popularized this are journalists, so that gradually shifts to get the position, but in general the war means "conflict".
The causes of the war include:

Ideological differences
The desire to expand territory
Different interests
Deprivation of Natural Resources

The Government believes that war is ugly, in other words, not good. Of course, what is called the war is ugly and not good for our country that has unity of the republic. Long ago when I was the obvious war of occupation and empire is not a stranger anymore.
Indonesian nation, fight for its own security and peace of Indonesia. They desperately defend Indonesia country from other nation colonies. And that is a lot of merit, as evidenced by the relics of their heroes. But the war for now, in the twentieth century - 21 particularly in Indonesia, the war is something foreign, most people would think is terrible, something that is filled with emotion, ambitious and selfishness.

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